
Registration Fee: $260

Birthdate: 09/01/2008 - 08/31/2012

About This Level:

  • For players 13-16 years of age
  • Players demonstrate an elevated skill and a deep understanding of the game.
  • Players will go through evaluations
  • Experienced umpires are at all games

Junior/Senior season runs from May 1st to the end of June.  Following evaluations players are placed on a team with players of equal skill.  Indoor practices will be open to all players in April.



Practices/ games schedule TBD. Games are twice a week with one or two practices a week.

Teams play inter-league against East Park and Community Park.

Warm up is scheduled from 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm, followed by the game from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Players are expected to be at the diamond by 5:45 pm.

An additional practice will be schedule (TBD).

What They Need:

  • Field Glove
  • Bat
  • Jock/Jill
  • Helmet (cages are encouraged)
  • Grey Baseball pants
  • Cleats
  • Water Bottle

Mailing Address:

Confederation Park Little League
#1406, 5328 Calgary Trail NW
Edmonton, AB  T6H 4J8

Photo Day

May 9th and 10th

Minor Tournament


Major Tournamnet


Jr./Sr. Tournament