Registration Fee: $200
Birthdate: 09/01/2016 - 08/31/2018
About This Level:
- For players 7-8 years of age
- In this age group, players receive more hands-on instruction in baseball skill
- The coach will pitch the ball to the batter
Rookie season runs from May 1st to the end of June, emphasizing fundamental skills like hitting throwing and catching. Ensuring an inclusive approach, all players actively participate in every game.
Practices and games are scheduled for Monday and Wednesday, with diamond locations to be determined.
Players will spend the first month playing coaching pitch and using the Tee if necessary. The second month "real" baseball rules will be used along with coach pitching.
What They Need:
- Field Glove
- Bat (T-ball bat or baseball bat is okay)
- Jock/Jill
- Helmet (cages are encouraged)
- Water Bottle
- Running Shoes
- Grey pants
- All Rookie players receive a shirt/jersey to keep
Photo Day
May 9th and 10th
Minor Tournament
Major Tournamnet
Jr./Sr. Tournament